
GN1 Sistemas y Publicaciones Ltda. develops systems, applications and carries out editorial production in the scientific area, offering products and services that enable the perfect management of medical associations and others and the management and production of their scientific journals.

Based on current legislation (Laws No. 12,965/2014 and 13,709/2018) and on the best means that can guarantee the security and fundamental rights of users of our systems, applications, and visitors to our website, GN1 establishes this Privacy Policy in order to protect personal information, privacy, honor, and image.

By using our products and services, we understand that there is a relationship of trust since our platforms will feed different data banks, among many other functions.

We appreciate this trust and reward the care by offering our clients and visitors the maximum security and seriousness in the treatment and storage of their data.

Personal data collected

The GN1 collects just enough data to provide the contracted services in the different areas of action, such as management of medical and scientific associations through its systems and applications, online submission of scientific articles, and creation of websites. Such data will be collected with the consent of its owner and will have the sole purpose of providing the contracted services.

Cookies, IP (Internet Protocol Address), and other browsing data will also be collected, which are important means of making browsing a website more convenient and interesting; meanwhile, these cookies can be blocked or configured at any time by the users in their browser, according to their interest.

Sensitive personal data (those referring to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, affiliation to a union or organization of a religious, philosophical, or political nature, data referring to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data) and personal data of children and adolescents are not collected by GN1, since there are no interests or reasons to store them in our activity.

Use of collected personal data - Processing

The processing of personal data collected is carried out with maximum security by a trained team aware of the importance of the secrecy that personal data deserves.

The justification for collecting personal data is the restricted use of providing the contracted services and compliance with legal obligations by GN1.

After the data processing ends, the personal data is deleted from the servers and data banks of the GN1 for the purpose indicated above. In the meantime, only the data relevant to those needs will be filed anonymously for compliance with legal obligations or the exclusive use of the controller.

Sharing personal data with third parties

The GN1 does not share personal data with people, companies, or third parties that are not following the purpose consented to by its owner.

The sharing of personal data will only occur for the provision of the contracted services when there are third parties authorized to provide the services, for compliance with legal obligations and credit protection, obeying rigorous security protocols in their transmission, and judicious choice of the third parties and professionals authorized to provide these services.


The GN1 uses the most advanced and efficient resources and techniques for network, transmission, and data storage security.

Its systems, applications, and websites also offer its clients and visitors the best in security and development using privacy in the modeling of our products as standard, in addition to cryptography in the transfer of data between client and server, hosting of services in internationally recognized companies and security practices at all levels of development from conception to publication.

It is important that when using our systems, applications, and websites, the client or visitor does so responsibly and with safe equipment, further increasing the intended security; however, we emphasize that information technology has the constant challenge of avoiding and impeding the action of invaders and criminals that may eventually occur.

The rights of the holder

The owner of the personal data, or his legal representative, has rights that can be easily exercised at any time, free of charge, within our websites, systems, and applications or by filling out specific forms for each right (According to Article 18 of Law 13.709/2018).

CONFIRMATION of the existence of personal data processing and access to them may be obtained by filling out the following form at this link.

The ALTERATION and correction of the personal data collected when there is incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data may be required by filling out the following form at this link.

The DELETION of the personal data collected may be required by filling out the following form at this link.

The PORTABILITY of personal data to another service provider may occur by filling out the following form at this link.

The CONSENT for collecting and processing personal data previously provided to GN1 may be revoked if there is no further interest of the owner in maintaining this consent by filling out the following form at this link.

Contact us

We want users of our systems and applications and visitors to our website to have the best experience with us, so we are available to resolve any issue that may arise.

If there is any suspicion of an act contrary to this Privacy Policy or current legislation, the personal data owner may report the suspicious act directly to GN1 employing the following e-mail: or filling out the form at this link.

São Paulo
  • R. Flórida, 1703 – Cj 62 (Ed. Gávea),
    Brooklin, São Paulo - SP, Brasil

São João da Boa Vista

Contact us

We have a team ready to understand your needs and exceed your expectations.